
Pedestrian safety tips

Pedestrian safety while driving or walking is important.

了解行人安全指南可以帮助减少当你走上人行道时发生的潜在风险. Read on to prioritize pedestrian safety for yourself and others.

除了2022年美国行人遭受的许多严重伤害之外, Governors Highway 安全 Association estimates t在这里 were 7,508 pedestrian deaths. So w在这里ver your destination may be, 采取一些简单的步骤来保护你和你所爱的人的安全是很好的.

安全 tips for pedestrians

  • 使用人行道. When available, they are the safest place to walk. If no sidewalk is provided, it's usually safer to walk facing road traffic, as far left as possible, using extreme caution. Stay off freeways and other restricted zones.
  • 是可见的. 穿带有反光材料的浅色衣服可以帮助你在司机面前脱颖而出. 如果你're in a very dark area, 你可能需要带一个手电筒来帮助你看到你要去的地方,增加你的能见度.
  • 保持警惕. 有很多 心烦意乱 drivers on the road, so be aware at all times. 不要让衣服、帽子或手机干扰你的视线. 在过马路前与司机进行眼神交流,以确认他们能看到你,并注意他们的转向灯.
  • Avoid alcohol and drugs. 它们会严重损害你安全行走和做出正确决定的能力. This also includes some over-the-counter medications. 阅读标签并咨询医生,了解潜在的副作用或相互作用.
  • Cross streets at a corner. 虽然可能很容易穿过街区中间,但这是许多受伤发生的地方. 使用 交通信号 and crosswalks is much safer, especially in high-traffic areas.
  • 两边都看. Look left, then right, then left again before crossing. 过马路时睁大眼睛,要知道即使你能看到司机,他们也可能看不到你.
  • Be especially careful at intersections. 这就是许多司机在转向另一条街道时可能无法让出先行权的地方. If t在这里 is a pedestrian signal, 注意和跟随行人信号,而不是交通信号.
  • 总是 avoid texting and using the internet on your phone while walking. When walking or crossing a street, 避免使用手机和耳机,这样你就可以观察周围的环境. 走路时发短信会分散注意力,让你很难注意到路上的交通和障碍物.
  • Watch out for parked 车辆s. Parking lots can be especially dangerous as many drivers have a limited view when backing out. 司机们可能不会想到有人在那里走路,所以需要格外注意.
  • 是可预见的. Your next move should be obvious to the driver. 有效的非语言交流,比如一个简单的挥手,就能在司机和行人的互动中发挥作用.

Pedestrian safety tips for drivers

  • Be aware of children. 对于孩子来说,行人安全是很困难的,因为他们经常冲动,随时都可能在街上飞奔. 遵守车速限制,在居民区和 学校区.
  • Yield to pedestrians. When making a turn and waiting for an opening in traffic, be aware that pedestrians may have moved into your path. 行人总是有优先通行权——等他们安全到达人行道后再转弯.
  • Be cautious around driveways and alleys. 进出时,这些地方很难发现行人. Keep a close lookout, and if you can't see clearly, slow down.
  • Reduce distractions. Spotting pedestrians requires your full attention. 使用 a cellphone, eating and drinking, talking to passengers, 看地图, or changing the radio station makes your driving more 心烦意乱, difficult and dangerous. 如果你正在使用手机上的导航应用程序,在开始开车之前设置好目的地.
  • Approach crosswalks carefully. If a pedestrian is crossing or about to cross, 在你到达他们之前停下来,这样其他车道的司机也有时间让行. Never pass another 车辆 that has stopped for pedestrians.
  • Follow the speed limit. 遵守速度限制可以提高司机观察行人的能力,并根据弯道或道路上的物体进行调整,以帮助避免危险情况. Plan and allow for extra time to get to your destination, 如果你要迟到了,花点时间提前打电话,并且一定要遵守限速.
  • Be vigilant in low-visibility conditions. 当你在夜间或天气条件下开车时,要特别注意行人, 就像 雾中驾驶无论下雨还是下雪.
  • Never drink and drive. 如果你 drink and drive, you're compromising cognitive ability and responsiveness, 哪一种会增加你撞人或发生事故的风险.
  • 退出仔细. Once you’ve arrived at your destination, especially if you’ve parked on the street, 注意你周围的环境,检查后视镜,以便从司机到行人的平稳过渡.

记住,无论你如何出行,了解你周围的环境都很重要. 常识和良好的判断力可以帮助每个人安全地共享道路.


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